It doesn’t matter whether you’re a professional worker, a college student, a housewife or a physical labour worker; at the end of the day a person normally would take off their clothing and get in the shower, relieving the day’s stress with a hot warm bath/shower. If that sounds soothing, think again, because after a day full of activity, each and every one of us will face the same problem: dirty laundry. It’s an inevitable part of the day that pushes nerves a bit because it can only mean another time consuming job over the weekend in front of the washing machine.
However, in our modern society where the economical term “where there is a need, there is a supply”, commercial laundry services sprout up everywhere and answer the need for clean clothing; minus the hassle of wrestling a huge pile of dirty stinky clothing through a tiny washing machine door, or mixing a single bright coloured t-shirt along with plain coloured work shirt and realising a few hours later that hey, I’m wearing pink shirt to work from now on until the next pay day’. Yes, for those of you who know what I am talking about, I’m glad to tell you that there is a professional service available for you out there.
The next question would be pricing. There’s nothing free in this world, but I can assure you, through thorough research (which, these days actually means to open your phone browsers and use the almighty search engine, by the way) it’s quite easy to find a commercial laundry service that provides a professional service with affordable pricing.
For us people living in a layman world, the terms commercial laundry service might sounds expensive, and yes there are some services that are expensive, but it’s only because they provide extra services such as dry cleaning or washing a large washable object. But other than those specifically treated stains and materials, any commercial laundry service should offer regular washing service with a reasonable price.
But, being the service that takes care of dirty clothing doesn’t mean it’s a business to be underestimated. If you’re thinking that a commercial laundry service sounds like a joke, I should recommend you to think again, because it’s not. Commercial laundry service is actually a quite profitable and large scale business that not only deals with B2P process (business to person or end users) but also deals with B2B process (business to business).
Take a hospital for an example. A busy hospital that houses, say more than a hundred patients will have loads of dirty patient’s clothing, bed sheets, curtains, linen fabrics that are stained not only by bodily fluid but also soils and other sources that are not quite suitable to mention. With the amount of dirty fabrics, it’s almost impossible to manage their own laundry economically and effectively. That’s where commercial laundry services steps in. These companies regulate their pick up schedule, perform the suitable treatment for certain fabrics with certain stains. It’s a serious and tedious business to run.
But nevertheless, for everyday use it’s also a blessing. It will always be a relief to know that you can sit back and relax over the weekend and not worry about your dirty laundry. All you have to do is to find the nearest and affordable commercial laundry service, turn in the dirty clothing by Friday, and simply pick them up Sunday evening all cleaned, folded or on a hanger, smelling wonderful and ready to be used for work tomorrow.